In a political landscape marked by shifting tides and unexpected twists, the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) finds itself in an intense preparation mode for the upcoming 2024 general elections. The Karnataka assembly election loss served as a wake-up call, prompting the BJP to re-evaluate its strategy. One notable development is the establishment of 300 call centres, a strategic initiative aimed at grassroots engagement, with Union home minister Amit Shah set to inaugurate them. These call centres are not mere phone banks but hubs for continuous voter contact, working tirelessly until Election Day. Skilled BJP volunteers armed with campaign materials will reach out to voters across the nation. The BJP is renowned for its organizational efficiency, and these call centres are meticulously planned, ensuring robust internet connectivity. The party firmly believes that these centres will play a pivotal role in securing victory in 2024. On the opposition front, a surprising alliance called INDIA, consisting of 26 opposition parties, has emerged as a formidable challenge to the BJP. This unity among various opposition stalwarts has caught the BJP off guard. While the call centres operate round the clock, dismantling INDIA’s unity may not be an easy task for the BJP.
The BJP’s voter base encompasses diverse groups, including Hindutva followers, Pasmanda Muslims, and independent undecided voters, each with its tailored strategy. Hindutva supporters are traditionally seen as the BJP’s bedrock, but recent discontent among some segments due to perceived neglect has prompted the party to refocus on its Hindu roots. The Pasmanda Muslim community represents a crucial demographic, and the BJP, backed by the RSS, believes it can eventually win their support by showcasing its commitment to their development. One notable factor in the BJP’s minority outreach strategy is the empowerment of Muslim women. Initiatives such as free rations, the triple talaq ban, Ayushman Bharat, and Pradhan Mantri Awaas Yojana have earned the trust and support of Muslim women. Despite facing challenges, the BJP remains resolute in its approach, unapologetically pursuing its version of minority appeasement. The party has emphasized its dedication to the Sanatana Hindu ethos, setting up a clear contrast with INDIA’s narrative. The “Bharat” versus “INDIA” battle is central to the BJP’s campaign, along with the proposed “one-nation, one-election” concept and discussions surrounding women’s reservation.
In addition to call centres targeting specific voter groups like farmers, women, and youth, the BJP is leveraging an army of YouTubers and social media influencers for its 2024 election campaign. The BJP IT Cell plays a pivotal role, with “Masterstrokevadis” highlighting Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s achievements, from ending triple talaq to bringing “Bharat” into the forefront.
Undoubtedly, the BJP’s success hinges on the popularity of Prime Minister Narendra Modi, a one-man election-winning juggernaut who led the party to victory in 2014 and 2019. Consequently, the BJP’s campaign for 2024 revolves around glorifying Modi as “Mahamanav” and “Vishwaguru,” a leader who has uplifted entire communities. Recent events like the G20 Summit have further burnished Modi’s image, potentially bolstering the BJP’s chances in the upcoming elections. The BJP’s meticulous seat allocation, focusing on “winnability,” is a testament to its determination to secure a greater mandate in 2024. Special emphasis is placed on challenging stalwarts like Sonia Gandhi, Rahul Gandhi, Priyanka Vadra Gandhi, and other seemingly unbeatable opponents. As the BJP gears up for the 2024 general elections, the battle for India’s future is intensifying along with BJP’s position.