10 Unforgettable Wayanad Experience

23/AUGUST/ 2024

Rich Biodiversity 

The verdant woodlands and natural life saves of Wayanad have a wide cluster of plant and creature species, counting a few that are imperiled, making it an perfect goal for nature enthusiasts.

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Edakkal Caves 

These memorable caves are embellished with Neolithic shake carvings, giving knowledge into the wealthy verifiable and social bequest of Wayanad.

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Coffee and Flavor Manors 

Wayanad is popular for its coffee, tea, and zest manors, celebrated for their  high-quality coffee beans  and flavors such as dark pepper and cardamom.

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Unique Tribal Heritage

The locale is occupied by innate tribes with particular conventions, contributing to the social differing qualities  of Wayanad.

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Wayanad Natural life Sanctuary

As a component of the Nilgiri Biosphere Save, this haven shields different natural life species, counting elephants, tigers, and panthers, drawing in natural life aficionados.

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Ancient Jain  Temple

The noteworthy Jain sanctuaries in Wayanad reflect the area's associations to Jainism and are eminent for their expand structural designs.

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Chembra Top 

As the tallest crest in Wayanad, Chembra Crest gives staggering vistas and challenging climbing openings, highlighting a heart-shaped lake as a outstanding attraction.

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Banasura Sagar Dam

Recognized as the biggest earthen dam in India, Banasura Sagar is a favored area for drifting and picnicking, set against beautiful surroundings.

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Legendary Stories 

Wayanad is wealthy in old stories and legends, counting its association to Mahabali, a legendary lord honored amid the Onam festival.

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Thrilling Activities

Wayanad presents a assortment of experience interests such as trekking,  zip-lining, and camping, catering to those looking  for fervor.

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