8 Powerful Yoga Exercises For a Healthy Heart

28/AUGUST /2023

Setu Bandhasana pose facilitates deep breathing and opens and improves blood flow to the chest region.

Trikonasana is a heart opening, standing yoga posture designed to promote cardiovascular exercise.

Paschimottanasana brings the head lower than the heart, facilitating the reduction of the heart rate and respiration, while allowing the body to

Viparita karani pose has a good response on the body's stress response systems and enhances overall physical and mental health

Shavasana pose calms the brain, opens the heart and reduces stress and anxiety.

Dandasana facilitates good posture, strengthens the back, and stretches shoulder

Salamba Sarvangasana pose creates space in the chest and can be restful and rejuvenating.

Utkatasana is known to work on your respiration rate which helps your heart health as well