9 Well-Known Mango Varieties Found Across India

23/MAY / 2024


Recognized as the "King of Mangoes," Alphonso mangoes are prized for their luscious, creamy texture and exceptionally sweet taste.

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Distinguished by its vibrant saffron-colored flesh, Kesar mangoes boast an intense flavor profile with subtle hints of citrus, making them a popular choice among mango enthusiasts.

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With its characteristic green skin even when ripe, Langra mangoes offer a unique combination of sweetness and tanginess, appealing to discerning palates.

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A beloved variety in North India, Dasheri mangoes are celebrated for their irresistibly sweet, juicy pulp and absence of fibers, ensuring a delightful eating experience.

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Known for its elongated shape and tangy flavor, Totapuri mangoes are often utilized in culinary creations such as pickles and chutneys, adding a refreshing zest to dishes.

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Originating from Andhra Pradesh, Banganapalli mangoes are renowned for their large size, succulent flesh, and captivating aroma, making them a sought-after choice among mango aficionados.

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Hailing from West Bengal, Himsagar mangoes are prized for their delectably sweet and fiberless pulp, offering a rich sensory experience to  mango lovers.

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Native to South India, Neelam mangoes are cherished for their petite size, aromatic fragrance, and robust, sweet flavor profile, making them a popular choice for fresh consumption.

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Characterized by their sizable, oblong shape, Malgova mangoes are celebrated for their juicy, sweet flesh and robust aroma, captivating the senses with each bite.

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