Oldest Living Trees In The World

12/ MAY  /2023

Old Tjikko

Location : Sweden  Age : 9,550 year


Location : California (USA),  Age : 5,000 years old

Llangernyw Yew

Location : North Wales (England)  Age : 4,000-year-old

Fitzroya Cupressoide

Location : Chile  (South America)  Age : 3,600 years old.

General Sherman

Location : California (USA) Age : 2,500 years old

Gran Abuelo 

Location : Alerce Costero National  Park-Chile,  Age : 3,646-year-old

Olive Tree of Vouves

Location : Crete (An Island of Greek) Age : 2,000 to 3,000 years old

The Senator

Location : Florida (USA) Age : 3,500 years old 

The Tree of One Hundred Horse

Location: Sicily (the largest island in the Mediterranean Sea) near Italy Age : Between 2,000 and 4,000 year