Plants That Keep Snakes Away From Your Home

23/ MAY  /2023


This plant has a strong scent that snakes find unpleasant, and it's also easy to grow in a variety of soil types.


This plant has a strong scent that repels snakes, and it's also used for medicinal purposes.

West Indian Lemongrass: 

This plant has a strong citrus scent that repels snakes and is also used in cooking.

Mother-in-Law’s Tongue: 

This plant has sharp leaves that can be uncomfortable for snakes to crawl over, and it's also easy to care for.

Tulbaghia Violacea: 

This plant has a strong garlic scent that repels snakes and is also known for its medicinal properties.

Indian Snakeroot:

This plant is known for its ability to repel snakes, and it's also used in traditional medicine.


This plant has a strong scent that repels snakes and is also used in cooking.

Onion and Garlic: 

These plants have a strong scent that repels snakes, and they're also commonly  used in cooking.


This plant has a strong scent that repels snakes and is  also used in cooking.