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Sunday, June 30, 2024

Captive Elephant Runs Amok in Dispur, Damaging Vehicles and Causing Panic

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HT Digital

June 27, Thursday: In a startling incident on the streets of Dispur, Assam, a captive elephant in musth ran amok, causing significant damage to several vehicles and creating panic among residents and commuters. The incident took place near Janata Bhawan, the seat of the Assam Secretariat, where the elephant, usually kept for domestic purposes, exhibited aggressive behavior associated with its musth period.

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The elephant, identified as one belonging to a local handler, broke free and began rampaging through the area. Witnesses reported scenes of chaos as the animal overturned parked vehicles and caused traffic disruptions. Authorities were quickly alerted, and a team of police officers and wildlife experts was dispatched to manage the situation.

Efforts to calm the elephant and safely guide it back to a secure location were challenging due to its heightened aggression. Eventually, the coordinated efforts of the police and local handlers managed to contain the situation without any human casualties. The incident, however, highlighted the risks associated with keeping large wild animals in urban environments, particularly during periods when their natural behavior can become unpredictable and dangerous.

This episode underscores the need for stringent measures and protocols in managing captive wildlife to prevent such incidents in the future. The authorities are currently investigating the circumstances that led to the elephant’s escape and subsequent rampage

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