HT Correspondent
SIVASAGAR, Dec 27: Konwarpur Press Club, in its 7th Annual Award Giving Programme, conferred the ‘Konwarpur Gaurov Award’ to noted writer-educationist Dr Prasanta Kumar Chutia and the ‘Shiksha Ratna Award’ to Kamaljyoti Gogoi, inspector of schools, Sivasagar for his outstanding achievement in leading the district schools to the first position in the Gunotsav assessment successively for the second year.
In the meeting held on Tuesday in Nakatani High School premises, which was presided over by Padum Saikia, the club awarded a number of scribes and entrepreneurs for their distinguished services to society.
Sivasagar deputy commissioner Aditya Vikram Yadav released a book written by late Karuna Dutta. The chief adviser of the club, Jyoti Baruah Dutta and Rituporna Bharali did the tarpan while Khalillur Rahman Hazarika, secretary of Sivasagar Press Club, inaugurated the programme.
The ‘Karuna Dutta Memorial Award’ was presented to journalist Priyadip Kakoty of Numaligarh. Educationist ‘Khagen Baruah Memorial Award’ was given to Navajyoti Baruah of Jorhat (Asomiya Khabar), Manoj Kumar Borthakur, the newly elected executive president of the Assam State Journalists’ Union and Sarat Sensuwa, the secretary of Assam Press Correspondent Union.
The ‘Sambad Saurov Award 2016’ was given to Rajib Dutta (Jhanji), Sankarjyoti Saikia of Gaurisagar (2017), Manoj Gogoi of Desangmukh (2018) and Jugal Sarma of Demow (2019) in the meeting. The awardees were presented with a gamosa, memento, citation and books.
Dr Ranjit Baruah, principal, Dikhowmukh College, Jogesh Uja, staff correspondent, Dainik Agradoot, Debajit Baruah, sub-editor, The Sentinel, Dr Simanta Baruah, assistant professor, BLB College, Anil Saikia, Arup Bora, Dipok Arandhara, Jituraj Barua and Biki Das were felicitated in the meeting.