HT Bureau
DIPHU, Sept 27: The Karbi Farmers Association (KFA) in collaboration with assistant director, Sericulture department, organised a one day farmer’s awareness programme on modern technology of sericulture cum distribution of rearing tools at Tetileguri LP School under Langpher Member of Autonomous Council (MAC) constituency on Tuesday.
Extension officer of additional director of Sericulture, Jagat Rabha, inspector of Sericulture, Longki Timung, demonstrator, Dhruba Jyoti Bora, Rodah Taropi and Spiner Sabina Taropi informed the farmers on the modern method rearing silkworms.
40 local farmers participated in the awareness programme. They were also informed about the financial benefit of rearing silkworms.
“Rearing silkworms is not that difficult a job and anyone can do it. In one month the income from rearing silkworms is about Rs 20,000,” the demonstrators explained to the farmers.
The demonstrators also said if there are more interested persons to take up silkworm rearing then the Sericulture department will give them training and prove them tools.
“Spinning of yarns will also be taught to the farmers,” the demonstrators said.
Rearing tools were distributed to the farmers for free. The programme was chaired by general secretary, KFA, Soronsing Rongpi and introduction of guests was taken up by Semson Tokbi. President, KFA, Lokhin Phonglokpet branch, Mongal Teron also attended the programme.