HT Bureau
GUWAHATI, Nov 19: The second day of IISSM Annual Global Conclave was held on Saturday. The programme was conducted online with live streaming at the Crowne Plaza, Okhla, the physical conduct venue of the conclave.The programme commenced with the keynote address by Jason L Brown, national director, Thales, Australia & New Zealand. Brown highlighted the strategy needed to be developed, keeping in mind the relationship that a country has with the world scenario. In addition, he highlighted the threats that exist or can come to the fore in the future, the impacts that this would have on the businesses and the business environment.
The keynote address was followed by a product presentation by Pushkar Gokhale, VP & business head, Godrej Security Solutions. He highlighted how his company was developing solutions in consultation with the customers. For example, a fogging system to blind burglars had been developed by Godrej Security Solutions to counter the burglary threat.
The product’s presentation was followed by panel discussion on cyber security, robotics and drones in security, safety and loss prevention. The panel discussion highlighted that there is a need to cater for future threats. The technology involved in those future threats and the need to develop counter measures to defeat those threats. In addition, the scope and threats from drones and use of artificial intelligence and possible countermeasures to be taken were discussed.
In the second half of the day, David Cavanaugh, managing director, Integrated Energy Private Limited and chief hydrogen officer, Hydrogen West, Australia delivered the keynote address. His address from Australia was telecasted live at Hotel Crowne Plaza, New Delhi, the physical mode venue for the conclave. Some of the aspects that he highlighted were related to ways to improve the efficiency in smart cities functioning. He highlighted the strategies and technologies required to improve the functioning of smart cities by using the internet of things and artificial intelligence technologies.
Discussions on management of security, safety and loss prevention in smart cities; strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats were also held which was followed by a valediction ceremony which marked the culmination of IISSM Annual Global Conclave 2022.