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Saturday, February 22, 2025

The Riddles of Communist Serfdom: Ambedkarite Critique of Communism

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By Dr. Aniruddha Babar

“Communism is a form of organized crime justified by the cult of Marxism – Leninism. It is basically a combination of criminal inclination coupled with uncontrolled political power. Like all crimes, communism is parasitic. It produces nothing of value itself; it must rely on force, propaganda, torture, intimidation, threats, and espionage to survive. Like cancer, communism consumes its host. Except that in communism’s case, it will only die when the whole planet is consumed. Must we let things get to that point?” New Zealand author and political activist Trevor Loudon blogged in his blog, ‘It’s Not Enough to Be Pro-Freedom; We Must Also Be Actively Anti-Communist.

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Communism, a societal and a political structure where most (not all) goods and property is completely state owned. It was a revolution against another Economic flag called Capitalism. Mankind has been blessed and cursed as many societal and political structures have surfaced since the conception of Nations and Nationalism. The quest to hold the ‘Means of production’ is battle of Cats and Dogs. As the structure which gets hold of the Means of production, starts dictating rules, regulations and imposes cultural framework which has a far reaching impact on the way we live, grow and contribute to mankind. This significant characteristic of communism must have been the factor behind Dr. Ambedkar’s heavy criticism on Communism which he considered as a ‘FOREST FIRE’ that goes on burning and consuming anything and everything that comes its way. Dr. Ambedkar observed the rapid expansion of communism in the early 20th century which he identified as one of the major problems in ‘International Relations’ particularly before the free nations of the world. He further observed that in the new world of newly independent, free countries peace is being maintained by portioning and dismembering them. A vast country like Russia that endlessly occupied in destroying other people, absorbing them within its fold on the theory, liberating them; that was the liberation followed by servitude and not followed by freedom. Owing to the ‘rigid’ structure of communism it failed to translate itself into free democracy.

Dr. Ambedkar, to some extent admired Karl Marx’s philosophy of communism but in the same era the world had witnessed two brutal Communist revolutions – one in SOVIET UNION, under Lenin and the second in CHINA, under Mao. These two incidences led to heavy loss of human lives, and this extreme form of communism was against the philosophy of Dr. Ambedkar. The structure of communism is somewhat based on the abstract idea of ‘CLASS REVENGE’ and not ‘JUSTICE’. Communism believes in inevitability of bloodshed and violence to overthrow the power structure of ‘Bourgeois Class’ to establish a new system dominated by ‘Proletariat’ class. An idea, a philosophy which has ‘Necessary Dominance’ as an intrinsic value will be incapable of creating ‘just and fair’ system of governance.

Dr. Ambedkar, known as the Messiah of the downtrodden class, his love for peaceful agitations and dissent was his greatest pillar of strength. He condemned every form of violence and agitation which led to loss of human lives. The world was willing to come under the Red Flag’s umbrella to compete against capitalism. However, its tentacles and instability was something that Dr. Ambedkar was well aware of. ‘Communism’ has different connotations but its characteristic meaning is mostly directed to a political praxis of violence and bloody revolution.

‘Communism’ believes that a society with complete social equality and absence of private property is possible, necessary and inevitable and that can be ushered in through “dictatorship of proletariat” installed (according to Marx) by an inevitable revolution. This is ideological Communism. It has gradually come to be known as Marxism, Marxism-Leninism, or Marxism-Leninism-Maoism, depending upon the significance attributed to the chief ideologues. All these variants are conspiratorial and insurrectionary in nature and are well-directed as political movements. The result of the movement has usually led to the dictatorial and authoritarian regimes that preside over a nation after an insurrection is successful. This is how Communism as a system of Government works. Contrary to Democracy, Communist Governments are highly centralised, exclusionary, obstinate and inconsiderate towards any opposition and gravely conservative and reactionary.

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In India communism could never found its roots. The communist ideology revolves around the ‘Working Class’ people. In Indian context dividing people in Working Class and Ruling Class is not sufficient since ‘Caste’ identity is primary in the context of Indian society which Karl Marx did not recognize. In India, as Dr. Ambedkar observes, Class is not an independent entity but very much a part of Caste system, hence in local context Class is Caste which is like a ghetto, devoid of any social mobility. Without taking ‘Caste’ factor into the consideration communist ideology is worthless for India. The caste system has created severe impact over Racial, Religious, Tribal identities too and therefore the spectrum to look at them from Indian cultural context is far different than the European or any other cultural spectrum. Caste-stricken Indian society has evidently considered Tribal population in mainland India, Racial minorities and Tribal people belonging to distinct racial stock (northeast Indian tribal people) at par with ‘former untouchable’ (outcaste) communities. Therefore, the problems that Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes (including the tribes of NE India) have been facing are identical in nature. The major question that has been put before Indian Democracy is that of ‘Social Justice’ which is yet to be answered. Communism does not recognize the concept of Social Justice. Process of installing Working Class on the political throne to rule the nation where Bourgeois (say, a former Ruling Class) will be considered nothing more than a second class citizen who’s personal property and assets  by then have been taken away by the state, will not be translated into ‘Social Justice’.

Moreover, it is communists who were staunchly opposing the draft of constitution prepared by Constituent Assembly of India because their dream for a communist friendly structure was not reflected in the final constitution. Communists present a very good analysis of any problem, but they always fail to give workable solution to those problems. Communism does not believe in State based upon social, cultural, religious and geographical unity. They believe in State that has ideological unity, the ideology of Communism. For them Communism is paramount, everything else comes later. The Constitution of India which is based on the ideals of Justice, Equality, Liberty and Fraternity in totality absolutely rejected the principles and doctrines of communism. While delivering his last speech on 25th of November, 1949 in the Constituent Assembly on adoption of the constitution Dr. B.R. Ambedkar said, “The condemnation of the Constitution largely comes from two quarters, the Communist Party and the Socialist Party. Why do they condemn the Constitution? Is it because it is really a bad Constitution? I venture to say no’. The Communist Party want a Constitution based upon the principle of the Dictatorship of the Proletariat. They condemn the Constitution because it is based upon parliamentary democracy. The Socialists want two things. The first thing they want is that if they come in power, the Constitution must give them the freedom to nationalize or socialize all private property without payment of compensation. The second thing that the Socialists want is that the Fundamental Rights mentioned in the Constitution must be absolute and without any limitations so that if their Party fails to come into power, they would have the unfettered freedom not merely to criticize, but also to overthrow the State.”

As Dr. Ambedkar identified in his last speech, Communists, by nature of their philosophical doctrines that they adhere to, are against the idea of nation-state which does not have any scope for their ideological mumbo-jumbo, ironically on one side they talk about human rights and the other side they support Naxalism which now has become a greatest threat to the law and order in India. Moreover, if we take a closer look we come across a darker picture of Naxal Movement where foot soldiers are poor Dalits and Tribals and their commanders, handlers or master ideologues are overground intellectual supporters, according to various media reports and political thinkers, writers are from privileged, higher castes. Ideology that believes in REVENGE and BLOODSHED is a threat not only to Indian Constitution but to every right thinking individual who believes in the ideals of Justice, Equality and Peace.

Moreover, the fact needs to be examined that the historic injustice was done to Dalits by the Indian communists when they opposed Ambedkar’s call for separate electorates for the “depressed classes”. In the days leading to the Poona Pact of 1932, where Ambedkar was unfairly pressured to surrender the demand for separate electorates, the upper castes of the communist, Right and so-called Centre came together and spoke in one voice against Ambedkar. No other event in modern Indian history has so thoroughly exposed the artificial divisions between communists and communalists which posed a great threat to the very existence of the Dalits and Tribals in the power dynamics of India. Communist leaders like EMS Namboodiripad had even gone to the extent of criticising Dr. Ambedkar by launching a personal attack on him by accusing him of dividing the nation on the lines of caste. However, respected scholar like Mr. Namboodripad failed to understand that by pushing for separate electorates for the marginalised, Dr. Ambedkar was trying to protect them from an already divided society and not divide society further.

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However, it may not be wrong to say that the Indian communist parties are more inclined towards Gandhian understanding of caste which says that the caste system is a superior economic organisation which facilitates organised production through a systematic division of labour. But, Ambedkar says the caste system is not just the division of labour but also the division of labourers which gives rise to the unequal and casteist relations of production and at this very juncture the real face of communist ideology becomes clearer.

In India, as mentioned before, Communism was neither able to form its strong roots nor was ever a part of major political influence. However, in early 1970’s with the rise of Naxalite Movement; communist ideology (the Maoist version of communism) came in the lime light. If the trajectory of a journey of Naxalite movement that claimed to have started with a vision to create a new world of Justice in the fold of Maoist ideology could be traced we inevitably reach to the point of understanding where we evidently recognize the ‘FAILURE’ of Naxalism and Maoist Movement in India. Numerous contemporary Social Scientists and Political Thinkers are of the opinion that the Naxalite Movement has now become like a ‘Rudderless Ship’ which can never reach its destination because of ‘serious structural defects’ in base ideology. The present status of underground communist political movements like Naxalism/Maoism and the over ground mainstream politics of various communist parties is similar. It has been observed that the overall political presence (overground and underground) of communist political parties has traditionally completely side-lined the existence of Caste reality and Ambedkarism. However, recently, since last couple of years slogans on Birsa-Periyar-Phule-Shahu-Ambedkar started echoing throughout the public meetings and political rallies of mainstream communist parties and their student organizations. Salutation like ‘Jai Bhim-Lal Salam’ is certainly a result of political need than the socio-political enlightenment of communist parties.

There is a reason to believe that the ideals and idols of Ambedkarite movement has been conveniently hijacked and appropriated by the communists in India. This has been done to revive the near-death political existence and relevance of ‘Left Wing’ Politics. It is a fact that the states in India where communist governments ruled (Kerala, West Bengal, Tripura etc) their Chief Ministers, majority of Cabinet Ministers and top leaders of Politburo all belonged to upper Caste communities, however, their grassroot volunteer force and support system has since the beginning been dominated by people from Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes. Why is it that in India we could not see Scheduled Caste or Scheduled Tribe Chief Ministers in Communist governments? Why is it that not a single Dalit or Adivasi leader from the political folds of Indian communism became a part of National Leadership?

After the failure of their earlier attempts to expand their political bases in the Indian states, Communists changed their tactics and adopted the long road of internal sabotage of major political parties like the Congress, brewing socio-economic discontent and, most importantly, fuelling social faultlines by infiltrating Dalit and anti-caste movements. After hijacking tribal assertion in the countryside, the Communists have been working for decades to hijack Dalit assertion in the urban centres. They try to steer the trajectory of Dalit protests and assertion from democratic protest for equal rights towards a communist agenda of waging war against the state. Communists have used Dalits as cannon fodder in their revolution, just like they have done with the tribals in the forests. In this context it is also important to study what BSP supremo Late Manyavar ‘Kanshiram’ an icon of Bahujan Samaj Movement who is fondly remembered as “BAHUJAN NAYAK” who successfully developed and executed the applied political theory of ‘BAHUJANVAD’ first through DS4 (Dalit Shoshit Samaj Sangharsh Samiti), BAMCEF (The Backward and Minority Communities Employees Federation) and later through BSP (Bahujan Samaj Party) said. In one of his interviews when was asked why he was so hostile to all the national parties, especially the Communists, Manyavar Kanshiram had replied, “To my mind, all parties represent the forces of status quo. For us, politics is the politics of transformation. The existing parties are the reason for the status quo. That is why there has been no upward mobility for the backward communities. The communist parties have become the biggest stumbling block in this regard. They keep talking about change, but work for status quo. The BJP is better, they ‘never’ talk about change. So people never feel duped. Parties like the Congress and communists talk about abolishing poverty, but work towards keeping people poor. If the poor are not kept poor, these people cannot remain in their seats.”

This answer(which is still absolutely relevant to today’s politics) helps us to know the factual position of Dalit politics in India and how the political parties including those of communist ideologies have taken Dalit and Tribal communities for a ride and how BJP has always maintained status quo on the questions of ‘Social Justice’, ‘Political Emancipation of Dalits and Tribals’ and ‘Constructive Social Change &Transformation’.

The Lal Salaam-Neela Salaam or Jai Bhim-Lal Salaam unity is a spurious construct by opportunist elite caste communists or by communists who have not understood Marxism and definitely not Ambedkarism. Will communists follow the Ambedkarism which by nature is democratic, egalitarian, liberal, positive, realist and free? There are various differences and hardly few similarities. Communists didn’t recognise caste which is the basis of Indian society. The academics have studied and they know caste system is a reality; negating caste all together is not possible. Reality of Caste was unknown to Karl Marx and therefore it was but natural for him to ignore this reality which has lived by millions and millions of people in India for over the period of thousands of years. Absence of ‘Caste’ in basic doctrines of Communist ideology instantly makes it absolutely null, void and useless for over 85% population of India which is trapped in the ghetto of Lower Caste identity.

Dr. Ambedkar said, “India is not a nation… Is a conglomeration of castes”. To say that Marxism will deliver to the people in India is hugely questionable for how can it deliver when the proletariat itself is divided? You can’t form class, and when there is no class there is no question for revolution. Communism in India has been taken over by elite class/higher caste themselves. It has been hijacked even before it could reach the masses. The Indian communists do not allow leadership in their organizations or political parties to Bahujan. So much for their egalitarianism. Their record of women participation and empowerment is also very disturbing. It is in the state of Kerala where communists rule, Caste discrimination is highly prevalent. There are not only separate Churches and separate graveyards for Dalit Christians but they are lynched in the name of castes. Don’t these brutal, cruel practices violate the Constitution? Isn’t it inhuman and humiliating? What was the state government doing when all this was happening? Where have all those communist ideals gone?

The story West Bengal, where communism is said to have been rooted in the heart of every man, is no different from Kerala. Raniganj is a small town famous for coal mines located in Paschim Bardhaman district of West Bengal. For a town which is under the evident influence of Marxist ideology, surprisingly, the area where the Dalits live is separate from the others and is also known as “Bouripara” (Dalit people in the town are termed as Bouri) and the people from upper castes never go there because the area is considered as impure, polluted and an area of alcoholics and sex workers. Most importantly, the people in the communist politburo who claim to be the messiahs of common people never thought of the liberation of the Bouris from the chain of insults and their oppressed situation. Kancha Ilaiah, a Professor of Political Science, Dalit writer-activist, said, “If you look at the present BJP-RSS-VHP ideological formations, the RSS was formed in 1925 by Maharashtrian Brahmin thinkers including [K.B.] Hedgewar, but the political Hindutva force came from Bengal. Prof. Ilaiah further observed that “the communist politics in West Bengal did never accept and recognize the notion of ‘caste identity’ politics; they never accepted that caste is an Indian reality. Caste was subsumed by Class.”

We can easily conclude that communist governments could not remain committed to the ideals of communism and failed to liberate the society from the most ancient system of ‘oppression’. The casual attitude of communist leaders towards caste discrimination and the lack of leaders from the oppressed castes in their ranks is worrisome. For instance, the communists have ruled both West Bengal and Tripura for several years, but a middle class from the Shudras or Namasudras has not emerged in these two states. The educated middle class in these states have not thrown up even one communist leader worthy of being a member of the politburo. Therefore, it is not wrong to say that the leaders of communist parties are simply using Dalits and Tribals to achieve their own set political goals and to woo them they have started using Ambedkarism, Bahujan ideals and idols. Moreover, a renowned political scientist Prof. Gopal Guru remarks that most traditional Marxists have time and again characterized Dr. Ambedkar as a liberal bourgeois and refused to grasp the brilliant insights that Dr. Ambedkar brought out through his political praxis. (EPW, Vol 26, No. 41, October 12, 1991) Dr. Ambedkar was fixated in the ‘liberal bourgeois frame with a purpose by Marxists.

India has not evolved into a nation yet. In geographical boundaries there exists a notion called India, but in terms of people, there is no concept of Nationhood that has emerged yet. When there is no concept of nation, where does nationalism come from? India is still a nation-in-building. Dr. Ambedkar said, as long as people are discriminated in Indian society India would not be able to emerge as a nation in its truest sense. Therefore, the disease of Caste discrimination – which further is magnified and manifested as Racial and Religious discrimination, must be annihilated from its root and for that political power, extensive social engagement, space for unrestricted social mobility and equal representation of Dalits and Tribals in every sphere of socio-political-religious-cultural-economic life of this country is necessary. This vision does not have any place in Marxist/ Maoist/ Leninist ideology of communism.

Ambedkarism does not need Marx for its fulfilment because it is a complete ideology in its own which has universal appeal. Marx’s Communism has miserably failed in every corner of the world whereas Ambedkarism has flourished and followed by different countries, people, nationalities and races. Romani community of Europe has been considered as the most persecuted community, they found solace in Ambedkarism. Modern young generation of South Africa relate itself more to Ambedkar than to Gandhi. Young generation from third world countries including that of African continent has been seriously studying philosophy of Ambedkar which is nothing but an ideology of ‘modernism’ based on universal values of Justice, Equality, Liberty and Fraternity. Ambedkar has reached every other home in India. When I come across couple of Naga scholars who were fascinated and extremely influenced by the ideas and thoughts of Dr. Ambedkar, thereafter when I also met some students and academicians from Assam, Manipur, Arunachal Pradesh and Mizoram, I realize that Ambedkarism has no boundaries and every persecuted community, people who at one or the other time were victims of history embrace Ambedkarism without any extra effort. From Romani people of Europe to the Nagas, Karbi, Khasi, Garo, Boros, Metei, Tai Ahoms of northeast part of India, from Blacks of South Africa to the Blacks, Hispanics, Red Indians of America, Maoris of New Zealand, Yazidis from Iran, Crimean Tatars; Dr. Ambedkar has reached everywhere.

It may be worth to take a note of the fact that, Marx spoke about REVOLUTION, Ambedkar spoke about TRANSFORMATION. Marx Spoke about EQUALITY, Ambedkar spoke about EQUITY. Marx spoke about CLASS, Ambedkar spoke about CASTE. Marx spoke about NECESSARY VIOLENCE, Ambedkar spoke about PEACEFUL STRUGGLE. Marx spoke about ABOLISHMENT OF PRIVATE PROPERTY; Ambedkar spoke about EQUAL RIGHTS TO CREATE, OWN & ENJOY PRIVATE PROPERTY. Marx spoke about CLASS REVENGE, Ambedkar spoke about SOCIAL JUSTICE. Marx spoke about nullity of RELIGION; Ambedkar spoke about NECESSITY OF RELIGION THAT TEACHES JUSTICE, EQUALITY, LIBERTY & FRATERNITY. Marx chose ATHEISM, Ambedkar embraced BUDDHISM.

Dr. Ambedkar recognized that there is a major pre-requisite for the Marxism to succeed. For the success of Marxism the society should be a “Free society”, meaning it should give importance to an Individual over the society and that it should be based on equality, fraternity and liberty. (Ambedkar, “India and the Pre-requisites of Communism”, (W&S vol. 3, p.95). Due to the absence of this major factor in caste ridden Indian society it could not foster the growth of Marxism, and that is why Marx failed in Hindu India. Also, the notion of Caste was absolutely alien to Karl Marx and therefore he could not be expected to properly evaluate its importance or influence on Indian masses hence Communism remained a useless philosophy for Dalits and Tribals in India who are the victims of caste system. Ambedkarism gives unconditional strength, confidence, love, eternal hopes and a sense of universal brotherhood to this world, whereas Marxism gifted eternal political confusion, pain, suffering, mistrust, suspicion, cruelty, bloodshed and injustice. Those who took up the path of Ambedkar were inspired and liberated themselves, and those who took up the violent path of Marx, Mao, Lenin lost in the pages of the history.

No doubt, Mr. Marx too had a dream to free this burning, suffering world from chains of slavery, however, his path was wrong. You cannot win freedom by enslaving people. You cannot create love by nourishing hatred. You cannot create life by glorifying death. You cannot create smile with sorrows. You cannot create world of justice through revenge. Revolution does not flow through the barrel of the gun, but it flourishes through the hearts of compassion and unconditional love. Those who went behind Marx took up ‘Weapon’ and those who went behind Ambedkar picked up the ‘Pen’. Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar’s revolution was that of Gautama Buddha, his path was of Jesus Christ and therefore at the end, he won. In India, and wherever in the world Caste exists, Ambedkar and Marx will perpetually remain irreconcilable. It is now crystal clear that Dr. Ambedkar’s appropriation is on rise. Irony is that the political forces like communists which created roadblocks and did not allow him to serve the nation in equal standing are claiming themselves as the intellectual, philosophical and political successors of his great legacy. While history laughs at the hypocrisy and political opportunism of communists, it also warns us against them. Modern day Ambedkarites can never allow Dr. Ambedkar’s legacy to pass on to the communists who misrepresented, degraded, loathed and used him.

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