HT Bureau,
DIPHU, June 21: The All India Lawyers Association for Justice (AILAJ) has observed the 53rd death anniversary of Kalaguru Bishnu Prasad Rabha at Malong building, near Govt. Boys Higher Secondary School, here on Monday.
The programme started with the lighting of lamps in front of the portrait of Kalaguru Bishnu Prasad Rabha, followed by the inauguration of the meeting by Ld. advocate, Diphu Judicial Court, Sarthe Ronghi.
Advocate Sarthe Ronghi spoke on the life of Kalaguru Bishnu Prasad Rabha and his movement for the upliftment of the tribal people. Ronghi in his speech also spoke about the book ‘Bishnu Rabha Rachanavali –Volume -1, published in 1982. The book is a collection on the works of Kalaguru Bishnu Prasad Rabha. Ronghi also mentioned what Kalaguru Bishnu Prasad Rabha has said on Karbis as the ‘Columbus of Assam.’
Ronghi ended his speech by saying the Karbis are slowly losing hold of their position in Assam due to a large-scale demographic change.
The program was graced by the advocates of Diphu Judicial Court, Dhonsing Kro and Demalu Hasnu. More than 30 advocates participated in the observation.