HT Bureau
GUWAHATI, May 3: The Department of Mathematics, USTM organised a day-long workshop on ‘Skill Development in Mathematical Applications’ with the objective to help students to gain basic understanding of research methodology. The resource person of the programme was Dr Hemen Dutta, assistant professor, department of Mathematics, Gauhati University. Held on April 26, the primary aim of the workshop was to familiarise the students with latest skills which will enable them to practically use and supplement their theoretical knowledge.
The program began with a welcome speech by Dr Gitumani Sarma, HOD, department of Mathematics, USTM. The chief guest of the program Dr Hemen Dutta was felicitated by honorable vice-chancellor Prof G D Sharma; Prof R K Sharma, advisor of USTM and Prof Prabin Das, department of Mathematics, USTM.
In his speech, Dr Hemen Dutta analysed the skill development applications of Mathematics and mentioned about the different aspects of research facilities in the field of Mathematics. Dr Dutta also said, “Mathematical Skill will help the students to develop critical and analytical thinking. In the current scenario, India is in the 8th position in the field of research in Mathematics.”
Prof G D Sharma emphasised that this type of workshop will enhance the skill of developing new innovative ideas in the field of Mathematics, which will not only help the students and the research scholars but also the faculty members. The workshop ended with the vote of thanks given by Dr Anupam Dutta, associate professor, department of Mathematics, USTM.