Hailing from Sarupathar in Assam’s Golaghat district, Nishamoni Bora has made her state proud by clinching the gold medal in the prestigious All India Windsurfing Championship 2024. The championship, held in Chennai from June 5 to June 9 under the auspices of the Tamil Nadu Sailing Association (TNSA), witnessed fierce competition from 18 clubs nationwide.
Bora’s remarkable skills on the water enabled her to outshine her competitors and emerge victorious, defeating seven other contestants to secure the coveted gold medal for Assam. This achievement marks her second consecutive gold at the national level, solidifying her position as a rising star in the world of windsurfing.
Expressing her gratitude for the overwhelming support from her home state, Bora thanked the people of Assam for their unwavering encouragement, which served as a source of strength throughout her journey.
In related news, Neha Thakur and Eabad Ali showcased exemplary performances at the Asian Games in Hangzhou, China, with Thakur securing the silver medal in the girls’ dinghy-ILCA4 event and Ali clinching bronze in the men’s windsurfer RS