HT Correspondent
SIVASAGAR, Jan 28: The DIPRO office building on the southern bank of the sprawling Sivasagar Borpukhuri has been in shambles for the last two decades.
Now only the skeleton remains upright supporting the four walls. The additional director, DIPR, Dipak Kumar Basumatari visited the office yesterday on his way back to Guwahati from Dibrugarh. He was, according to an employee Nikhil Dutta, was appalled by the horrible condition under which the employees have been delivering public services from under roof of a ruined building. The building built during the fifties by the PWD, surpassed its life span by over 20 years. The government appears completely indifferent to the sorry state of an important department despite repeated media reports over the years.
The rickety building may crumple at any moment and the three employees of the department one fourth-grade employee, one driver, and another technical assistant may face serious consequences. The ceilings, part of the walls, window panes caved in and the interiors and worn-out furniture are all exposed to the elements.
Employees shift files, computers and other articles to other rooms upon a heavy downpour. The public address system collapsed due to negligence of the officers and partly due to public ire.
The DIPRO Jayanta Mout was attached by the personnel department as the Liaison officer of the revenue minister Jogen Mohan. Surprisingly, he is still the DDO of the department though he takes no interest in any matter of the department here. Assistant commissioner Kankana Saikia has been entrusted with the additional charge of the DIPRO. Due to the absence of a permanent DIPRO, there exists a huge gap in communicating the government programmes to the media persons in Sivasagar. The president and secretary of Brihattar Sivasagar Press Club Manoj Kumar Borthakur and Kumar Abhijit Duwora ,through a letter to the chief minister of the state have demanded urgent steps to construct a new DIPRO office building.