By: Kaustov Kashyap
Generally, when we are giving a job interview, everything that comes out of our mouth is being registered and processed by our possible employer who in turn may decide if we have a future with that company or not. There are times when we can go through a ‘rejection’ phase and that can be a dampener. But if we reflect on the mistakes we made, there are high chances for us having a better shot in the next interview.
Here are a few phrases that you must avoid at all costs from saying during your interviews.
‘No, I’m Fine’: When you are offered anything to drink, like coffee or a glass of water just don’t repeat the phrase “No, I’m fine”. It looks unprofessional at times. Instead, you could say, “No, thank you. I’m all set for now.” This might seem a little more elongated but is more professional, respectful, and polite.
‘I’m A Perfectionist’: When you boldly declare yourself as a perfectionist then it could make you come across as someone who is overconfident or blatantly lying. No one is perfect in life and everybody has flaws. Saying the truth and admitting your flaws will only present you as an honest candidate and one who knows his weaknesses. It builds trust.
‘I’m comfortable with “X Task”: When you say you are comfortable with a certain task, your employer might assume that you are too comfortable with your job and that what they have to offer you is not challenging enough. They should get to know that you are looking for growth in your career through this job.
‘I Work Well with Limited Supervision’: If you say so, then your potential employer may assume that you only work well and prefer when there is no supervision at all. Let them know you can work on your own, but make sure you don’t sound like a lone wolf.
‘I’ll Try Anything’: This shows that you are ready to experiment but it may also show that you are highly unfocused and not clear about what you want to do.
‘I Can Work Well with Anyone’: We all have different personalities and it is fair to admit what kind of people you are comfortable working with. Just be honest with your interviewer and tell them what kind of person you work best with. Your employer also knows that sometimes personalities clash and being honest will be a good start for both parties unless you want to go on a job hunt within a few months again.
‘I Think I’d Fit Well with You Guys’: The words “you guys” is exactly the problem here. It simply sounds unprofessional. They are here to hire professionals and not buddies to pass time with. Keep a check on the words you use, as every word you utter is judged and decides your career.
‘I Separate My Work and My Life’: This gives your potential employer an impression that you are not ready to put in some extra hours in case your company needs you. That you are not here because your passion drives you but only due to some other reasons. It simply shows that you are not willing to work hard. Your work will constitute a huge part of your life and you should be willing to sacrifice a few extra hours for the job you want.
‘What Can I Expect In Terms Of Compensation?’: An interview is a process where you and your employer intend to get to know each other better. If you mention what you can expect in terms of compensation then you are simply giving the impression that you are only here for the money and nothing else. Keep this conversation for the HR round.
‘Will I Have To Work On The Weekends?’: This shows that you are not ready to go the extra mile in case your company may need you to. Why ruin your chances of getting that job you seriously want by putting up such questions? Let them know you are here looking for a challenging job and you would be ready to take on any responsibility if there comes an opportunity for growth.
‘No, I Don’t Have Any Questions’: Not asking any questions simply implies that you have not done your homework. A single question will be enough for them to remember you and will show that you are excited about the opportunity. (The author is an HR & Career Consultant)