PUNE, June 4: The Pune police on Tuesday arrested two more persons in the Porsche car accident case for allegedly acting as middlemen and facilitating financial transactions between the accused doctors of Sassoon General Hospital and the father of the juvenile driver, an official said.
Two IT professionals were killed in the early hours of May 19 in Kalyani Nagar in Pune after a Porsche allegedly being driven by a drunk 17-year-old rammed into their two-wheeler.
The teen’s parents, Shivani and Vishal Agarwal, have been arrested in connection with a case involving the destruction of evidence. They are accused of tampering with the blood sample of the accused minor.
Two doctors of the Sassoon General Hospital have also been arrested for allegedly manipulating the teen’s blood sample.
The police have arrested Ashphak Makandar and Amar Gaikwad, who allegedly acted as middlemen between the father of the juvenile and the accused doctors and facilitated financial transactions, the official said.
“Investigations revealed that the Makandar and Gaikwad acted as middlemen between the father and the accused doctors. They allegedly gave money to Atul Ghatkamble, an employee at the Sassoon General Hospital, to hand over to Dr Shrihari Halnor to swap the blood samples,” a senior official of the crime branch said.
The duo allegedly gave Rs 3 lakh Ghatkamble, he said.
Dr Ajay Taware, head of the department of forensic medicine at the Hospital also arrested in the case, was allegedly the main link between the duo and Dr Halnor and Ghatkamble, the official said.
During the probe, the police have already recovered Rs 50 lakh from Ghatkamble and Rs 2.5 lakh from Dr Halnor. (PTI)