HT Correspondent
ITANAGAR, March 15: The World Consumer Rights Day-2025 along with Consumer Awareness Program was held at Community Hall, Borum, Yupia Papum Pare district on Saturday.
The programme was participated by General Public, Panchayat Body, School Management Committee Members, Students, Teaching Staffs and Officials from various departments.
District Consumer Protection Officer (DCPO)-cum-Assistant Controller Legal Metrology & Consumer Affairs, ICR & Papum Pare Distt Debia Tana in a statement said that the porgramme was organised for creating of awareness among the consumers.
District Consumer Dispute Redressal Commission, Yupia, DMA, Mibi Basar explained and elaborated about the consumer awareness programme and need of awareness on various consumers items. She explained details about the online or virtual Consumer Court proceedings and how to access web portal e-Daakhil to lodge Consumer Complaint to seek redressal through the Consumer Commission/Court, said Debia.
Borum Tarajuli/Nyorch, Yupia GPM and GPC Likha Tadap & Nabam Nagung requested the department Legal Metrology & Consumer Affairs (LM&CA) to organise more such Consumer Awareness Programme at Rural Areas frequently so that hard earned of our common consumer could be saved from the unscrupulous traders, he said.
He informed that during the programme an interaction among students, teaching staff, SMC, & other participants took place and the officials cleared doubts on consumer rights and duties.
“Customer is the most important visitor on our business premises and the customers are not dependent on shop but they have multiple choice, the customers are not an interruption on our work and not an outsider on our business. We as a businessman and shopkeepers are not doing him a favour by serving him. He is doing us a favour by giving us an opportunity to do so” as quoted by the Father of Nation Mahatma Gandhi. So it’s an opportunity that we should take care of all the rules and regulation of Legal Metrology and consumers affairs,” said Debia.