HT Bureau
GUWAHATI, April 29: In a bid to keep a check on unauthorised travelling, the Northeast Frontier Railway (NFR) has been conducting regular ticket checking drives. With these intensive ticket checking drives, the NF Railway has detected 4,48,392 cases of passengers travelling without ticket/irregular ticket and unbooked luggage during the period April 2021 to March 2022. An amount of Rs 23.36 crore was released from the offenders as fare and penalty. This is about 840.83% more in terms of numbers of penalty cases detected and 1028.50% higher in terms of earnings for the corresponding period of previous year.
Moreover during checking over various stations and trains, RPF of NFR apprehended 50,701 persons travelling without proper tickets from April 2021 to March 2022. In these cases 25 persons were also prosecuted and fined under various sections of Railways Act and 16 cases were registered against offenders.
Northeast Frontier Railway regularly conducts drives against ticketless travellers. In its endeavour to provide better services to its Bonafide rail users and also to curb ticketless travelling, NFR has regularly been taking necessary steps. NFR urges all rail users to buy proper railway tickets and travel with dignity. As per section 137, of the Indian Railway Act of 1989, travelling without ticket, improper ticket or un-booked luggage is an offence punishable by imprisonment or fine or both.