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“Leadership in the Digital Ethos: Balancing Morality and Innovation”

The metaphorical reference to teachers underscores a profound societal transition, indicating a departure from the role of intellectual stewards to embracing conformity with contemporary trends. This concept delves into the potential consequences of this shift, prompting contemplation on whether forsaking age-old wisdom for current paradigms represents a natural evolution or poses a potential loss for future generations.

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By: Aubaid Ahmad Akhoon

In the profound tapestry of human existence, the rise of a disconcerting trend echoes through our digital landscape, where individuals exploit the solemnity of funeral videos. Through the intricate web of YouTube links and personal messages on platforms like WhatsApp, a breach of legal boundaries unveils a disturbing facet of our societal ethos.

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Illegality and moral implications:

This exploitation, profiting from the sacred moments captured in funeral videos, not only traverses legal boundaries but also raises profound ethical concerns. It is a violation of privacy and copyright laws, showcasing a stark lack of empathy and respect for the grieving process. In this disconcerting act, sensitive moments become commodities for personal gain.

The dehumanizing nature of the practice:

Beneath the surface of this unethical trend lies a poignant commentary on a shifting human behaviour – a detachment from empathy and compassion. The reduction of a person’s final moments to a mere means of financial gain is indicative of a society where individuals prioritize personal profit over the fundamental tenets of human decency.

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Social media responsibility:

This monetization trend underscores the imperative for responsible content creation on platforms like YouTube. Creators must bear the weight of ensuring their content respects the privacy and dignity of individuals, especially during vulnerable moments like funerals. Simultaneously, social media platforms must enforce stricter guidelines to prevent the exploitation of sensitive content for monetary gain.

The call for sensible online conduct:

Addressing this ethical crossroad demands a collective effort to raise awareness about responsible online conduct. Creators must exercise discretion and empathy in their content choices, recognizing the sacred boundaries that should never be crossed. Crucially, fostering a digital environment where respect for others’ privacy and dignity is paramount becomes our shared responsibility.

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The shifting paradigm of leadership: A reflection on intellectual allegiance:

In parallel, a subtle transformation unfolds in the realm of intellectual leadership. As Alama Iqbal eloquently stated:

“Kar Sakte The Jo Apne Zamane Ki Imamat

Woh Kuhna Damagh Apne Zamane Ke Hain PairouTranslation: Those who deserved to lead the modern age have worn out brains and others hold the stage.

These poetic lines encapsulate a contemporary paradox, where those once poised to lead are now embracing roles as followers, attributing their intellect to the prevailing zeitgeist.

Teachers, once beacons of ancient wisdom and sharp intellect, have shifted towards following contemporary trends, favouring modern education over guiding students along the timeless paths of knowledge.

This dichotomy in the capability to lead an era versus surrendering to present-day influences prompts a reflection on the evolving landscape of leadership and the shifting sands of educational philosophy. It raises questions about whether traditional, time-tested wisdom is being overshadowed by the allure of the modern, potentially leaving the youth without the compass of guidance that was once provided.

The metaphorical reference to teachers underscores a profound societal transition, indicating a departure from the role of intellectual stewards to embracing conformity with contemporary trends. This concept delves into the potential consequences of this shift, prompting contemplation on whether forsaking age-old wisdom for current paradigms represents a natural evolution or poses a potential loss for future generations.

While these issues may seem disparate, they share a common thread – the need for ethical conduct in our rapidly evolving society. As we navigate these challenges, upholding values that honour the sanctity of personal moments and preserve timeless wisdom becomes crucial. May we collectively strive for a more compassionate, ethical, and informed digital space.

“Crafting minds, shaping futures: A discourse on education and collective consciousness”

In the vast expanse of human existence, consciousness serves as the foundation, guiding our perceptions and actions. Diverse perspectives converge, forming a rich tapestry of individual experiences that inspire creative expressions – from novels to poetry and insightful column writing. Each person, endowed with consciousness, possesses the ability to distinguish between good and evil.

Renowned figures throughout history, such as Albert Einstein and Paulo Freire, underscore the transformative power of education. Einstein stated, “Education is not the learning of facts, but the training of the mind to think.” Freire highlighted education as the practice of freedom, a means for individuals to deal critically and creatively with reality.

Allama Iqbal, a visionary poet and philosopher, conveyed profound messages about life, including education.

“Maqsad Ho Agar Tarbiat-e-Laal-e-Badkhashan,

Be-Sood Hai Bhatke Huwe Khursheed Ka Partou”

“If you desire to breed such ruby which is red, Donʹt beg light of sun that from course has fled”

Allama Iqbal’s couplet serves as a powerful commentary on educators’ responsibilities and the purpose of education. It urges teachers to guide students purposefully, ensuring the pursuit of knowledge remains focused and transformative. The poet’s words resonate as a call for a re-evaluation of teaching methods and a reminder of educators’ profound impact on shaping the future through enlightened minds.

The imagery of Badakhshan, a region known for its precious stones, signifies the value and potential of a student. Iqbal suggests that the true purpose of education is to mold and polish these gems into individuals of great worth. However, if teachers fail to provide meaningful guidance, the education process loses its purpose, much like the sun’s rays that fail to illuminate when scattered without direction.

The poet subtly criticizes the state of education where teachers may not impart the true essence of knowledge, leading students astray. The mention of bhatkay hue khursheed (wandering students) in today’s educational institutions highlights Iqbal’s concern about the deviation from the true path of learning.

“In the realm of consciousness and moral responsibility, the words of Nelson Mandela echo profoundly: ‘Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.’ This underscores the transformative role education plays in shaping individual perspectives and creating a collective consciousness geared towards positive societal development.”

This collective consciousness offers a unique opportunity for constructive development. Rather than perpetuating divisive discussions, a more enlightened approach emerges from dedicating time to raise awareness about prevalent societal issues. By fostering a collective commitment to eradicating evils and promoting moral principles, we can contribute significantly to the betterment of society.

It is essential to recognize the profound impact of individual actions on the collective consciousness. Embracing diversity and respecting differing perspectives can serve as a cornerstone for societal progress. In our pursuit of wisdom, it becomes imperative to appreciate the role of each person in contributing positively to the collective consciousness.

“Mindful ink: Crafting a narrative of positive influence”

Moreover, the power of literature and art in conveying these messages cannot be overstated. Through novels, poetry, and column writing, individuals can bridge gaps, fostering understanding and empathy. By utilizing these modern mediums, we can engage a wider audience in meaningful discussions that transcend cultural and religious boundaries.

In our collective journey towards wisdom and societal harmony, let us recognize the shared responsibility we bear. As a global community, united in our endeavours, may we build a more enlightened and compassionate world. May our actions be guided by the principles of peace and understanding, transcending religious, cultural, and geographical boundaries. In this shared pursuit, may we find common ground and foster a spirit of harmony that transcends adversities, bringing. (The author is a distinguished educational columnist, motivational speaker, and Associate Editor of the weekly educational publication ‘Education Quill.’ He can be reached at akhoon.aubaid@gmail.com)

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