DIMAPUR, Nov 30: The NSCN-IM claimed on Thursday
that many cadres and leaders from different Naga outfits
or “Naga national workers” have joined the former.
In a press statement issued on Thursday, the NSCN-IM
mentioned the names of cadres and the outfits they
ditched to join the NSCN-IM.
Khampei Opeiham, Kilonser (minister) from NSCN-K and
eleven others have joined the NSCN-IM, according to the
statement. The NSCN-IM also said 20 other cadres also
joined the former. They are Shikaho Katty in the rank
of khapur from NSCN-U, Vihuto Achumi (Sergeant) of
NPGN-NNC-NA, Awoka Awomi (in the rank of Razou
Peyu) of NSCN-R, Hushika Kiba, (in the rank of Leacy) of
NSCN-K, Y.Aboto Awomi, (deputy kilonser) of NSCN-U,
Xuwoto Awomi (Leacy) of FGN, Lieutenant Obed Awomi
of NSCN-K, Corporal Khekivi of NSCN-U, Hotokhu Zhimo
(Razou Peyu) of NSCN-K, Pulovi Yeptho (Razou Peyu) of
NSCN-K, Tohoshe Awomi (Razou Peyu) of NSCN-K, Ambo
Yeptho, (Razou Peyu) of NSCN-U, Vinoka Ayemi (Leacy)
of NPGN/NNC), Nikuto Yepthomi (Razou Peyu) of NSCN-
U, Tokaho Ayemi (Tatar) of UNPG/NNC, Mughaka
K.Achumi (Leacy) of NSCN-U, Niuto Aye (Leacy) of NSCN-
U, Langngam A (Leacy) of NSCN-K(YA), Lempha (Tatar-
CCM) of NSCN-K(YA) and Alem Konyak. (NNN)