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Train Collision Causes Extensive Damage Near Nijbari – Chatter Hat Station

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HT Digital

June 17, Monday:

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In a serious incident that has disrupted train services and raised concerns over railway safety protocols, a goods train collided with the Dn Kanchanjungha Express at 08:45 AM today, leading to the derailment of two bogies. The accident occurred between Nijbari and Chatter Hat stations, causing significant damage to the Dn Kanchanjungha Express and its infrastructure.

At precisely 08:45 hours, the peaceful morning was shattered by a loud crash as the goods train, traveling at a high speed, collided with the stationary Dn Kanchanjungha Express. The impact was severe enough to derail two bogies of the express train, causing extensive damage. Initial reports suggest that the goods train failed to reduce speed in time, resulting in the collision.

Eyewitnesses at the scene described the sound of the collision as deafening. “It was like an explosion. We saw two bogies of the express train being thrown off the tracks,” said a local resident who lives close to the railway line. Passengers on the Dn Kanchanjungha Express recounted moments of panic and confusion as the impact threw them off balance and sent luggage flying.

Emergency response teams were dispatched to the scene promptly after the collision. Railway officials, along with local authorities, coordinated rescue operations to ensure the safety of passengers and staff. Medical teams provided immediate assistance to those who sustained minor injuries. Thankfully, no fatalities have been reported so far, although several passengers experienced shock and minor physical injuries.

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“The prompt action of the rescue teams has been commendable,” stated a railway spokesperson. “We have successfully evacuated all passengers from the affected bogies, and medical aid was provided swiftly.”

The collision has caused significant disruption to train services along the route. Both the Nijbari and Chatter Hat stations are experiencing delays as a result of the accident. Passengers planning to travel on the Dn Kanchanjungha Express and other trains using the same route are advised to check for updates and alternative arrangements.

Railway officials have initiated an investigation to determine the exact cause of the collision. Preliminary findings suggest a possible signal failure or human error, but a thorough investigation is required to establish the facts. Safety protocols and the condition of the goods train’s braking system will be closely examined.

This incident adds to a series of railway accidents that have raised serious questions about the safety and reliability of train travel in the region. In the previous years, similar incidents have occurred when passenger trains derailed due to faulty tracks, resulting in injuries and significant damage.

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The repeated nature of such accidents has led to increased scrutiny of the railway system’s safety measures. Railway unions and safety advocates are calling for more rigorous maintenance checks and better training for railway staff. “It’s crucial that we address these safety concerns head-on,” emphasized a member of the railway workers’ union. “The lives of passengers and staff depend on stringent safety protocols.”

The government has expressed its concern over the incident, promising a detailed inquiry and swift action to prevent such accidents in the future.

Frequent travelers on the Dn Kanchanjungha Express and other routes have voiced their worries over the recurring accidents. “I travel this route regularly, and it’s frightening to think this could happen anytime,” shared a concerned commuter.

As the investigation continues, railway authorities are focused on clearing the debris and restoring normal train operations. Engineers are working round the clock to repair the damaged tracks and ensure the safety of future train journeys.

The collision between the goods train and the Dn Kanchanjungha Express serves as a grim reminder of the importance of strict adherence to safety protocols and the need for continuous improvement in railway infrastructure and operations. The lessons learned from this incident will be crucial in preventing similar accidents in the future and restoring public confidence in the railway system.

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