HT Bureau
Guwahati, April 24: Since 2015, India’s leading detergent brand Ariel has been sparking meaningful conversations to drive equality in the division of household chores and urging more men to #ShareTheLoad. In the spirit of keeping this conversation going and furthering the cause of equality within households, Ariel recently launched its latest edition of the #ShareTheLoad movement with the film ‘See the signs #ShareTheLoad’. This year’s movement spotlights the long-term impact of unequal distribution of chores on relationships, urging more men to share the load for an equal and happy marriage. Ariel’s latest film raises a pertinent question: “Are you growing together or apart?”Ignoring inequality in the distribution of household chores is creating an emotional distance in some relationships.
A recent survey shows that 74% women have given up talking to their partners about sharing the load in the house. Ariel firmly believes that the foundation of a strong relationship is based on equality; where both feel respected, appreciated, and valued. Couples that do chores together and share the burden are happier and have a stronger bond. It reduces the stress and burden from one of the partners and can boost companionship and happiness. Over 95% of couples surveyed believe that doing chores together will improve their relationship. This new Ariel ‘See the signs #ShareTheLoad’ film showcases the story of an elderly couple and how their relationship has changed over time.