HT Correspondent
KOKRAJHAR, Feb 13: The celebration of the 45th Maghi Purnima Festival and annual conference of the Rupamoni Bathou Dhwrwm concluded on Wednesday after a three day colourful programme scheduled being held at the Rupamoni Bathou Dhwrwm central temple, Gossaigaon Ranchaidham in Chirang.
The event was organised by Rupamoni Bathou Dhwrwm central committee.
An Akhonda Biswa Jogyahuti was performed on the occasion to mark the Maghi Purnima Festival celebration where thousands of devotees and Rupamoni Bathou followers offered their prayers and worship to the almighty Bwrai Bathou (Lord Shiva).
An open session was held on the occasion with Dharani Kanta Narzary, president of the Rupamoni Bathou Dhwrwm central committee in the chair.
Pramod Boro, the chief executive member of Bodoland Territorial Region graced the occasion as chief guest.
On the auspicious occasion, CEM Boro offered his worship and prayers at the Brahma temple and Shiva temple of the Rupamoni Bathou Dhwrwm. CEM Boro has extended his warm Maghi Purnima greetings to all Rupamoni Bathou Dhwrwm followers and citizens of the state on the auspicious Maghi Purnima Day, said that the believe on religion can lead a healthy life of a human being as well social development.He said that the Rupamoni Bathou Dhwrwm has been contributing a lot towards the wellbeing, uplift of Bathou religion, education, culture etc amongst the Bodo community.