HT Correspondent
BISWANATH CHARIALI, Jan 21: Sonit Konwar Gajen Baruah, one of the pioneer architects who played a pivotal role in establishing present day Jamugurihat was remembered on his 48th death anniversary here on Tuesday.
Baruah’s outstanding contributions in the field of art, culture and literature has elevated and expedited the glory of Jamugurihat into the national panorama and global arena.
He was born in August 1915 at Deka Sundar village and left for heavenly abode on January 21, 1977. He played a distinguishing role in assimilating the people of hills and plains through art, culture and literature.
On the auspicious occasion of his death anniversary, he was remembered at Jamugurihat, his birth place. The memorial day of Sonit Konwar Gajen Baruah convened by the Bapuji Bhawan Natya Samaj was also held. The day-long programme began with illumination of an earthen lamp in front of the bust of the legend by Shailen Barkataky, president of Bapuji Bhawan Natya Samaj that was followed by offering of floral tribute on the bust of Sonit Konwar by Bhaba Goswami, president of Baresohoriya Bhaona Committee. Speakers including Bhaba Goswami, Nitumani Borah highlighted the contributions of Gajen Baruah in the field of art, culture, social life and in literature. The memorial meeting was attended by Mahendra Baruah, Kabita Baruah, Tribankur Paul among others. All the proceedings of the entire session were conducted by Pradyumna Hazarika and Minku Kalita respectively.