In a stunning turn of events, the phrase “Modi Hai to Mumkin Hai” took centerstage as Prime Minister Narendra Modi orchestrated the expulsion of Mahua Moitra from the Lok Sabha. The unprecedented move, executed through parliamentary procedures that raised eyebrows, showcased Modi’s determination to settle scores in the face of upcoming elections. The haste with which the Ethics Committee recommended Moitra’s expulsion indicated a scripted narrative directed by the BJP high command. The committee’s resolution seemed to be a clear manifestation of Modi’s desire to retaliate against Moitra for her sharp criticisms. This impulsive action, however, underscores Modi’s lack of political acumen, especially at a crucial juncture when national elections loom large. Modi’s arrogance is palpable, dismissing any potential backlash from the electorate. This decision, though, is poised to have a nationwide impact, with West Bengal feeling the tremors. Mamata Banerjee, sensing the implications, swiftly altered her stance towards Moitra, emphasising unity against what she labelled “retaliatory politics.”
Mamata’s show of solidarity has provided Moitra with a shield, transforming her into a symbol of resistance against Modi’s alleged political vendetta. The TMC, strategically playing the victim card, aims to mobilise support from the urban middle class and Bhadralok. The expulsion has also revived Congress’s interest in Moitra, contemplating her role as a coordinator for Mamata’s INDIA alliance in Bengal. Another dimension suggests Modi’s move was driven by a desire to silence Moitra’s frequent raising of the Adani issue. However, this expulsion is unlikely to stifle her voice; instead, it may amplify her influence as a perceived victim of political manoeuvring. The Ethics Committee’s report, accusing Moitra of “unethical conduct” and posing a “threat to national security,” appears deceptive. While the committee alleges unethical behaviour, it fails to substantiate claims of financial impropriety. The BJP’s apparent disregard for the committee’s recommendation for a thorough inquiry into the alleged cash transactions raises suspicions of a larger plan to frame Moitra. An expelled Moitra, undeterred and emboldened, poses a more formidable challenge. Her vow to avenge the humiliation and accusations of a “kangaroo court” tactic demonstrates a tenacity that BJP may have underestimated. Even Sonia Gandhi, along with the opposition, stood behind her, signalling a united front against what they perceive as a travesty of justice.
As INDIA leaders rally against what they see as a blatant abuse of power, the battle lines are drawn – it’s not just Moitra versus BJP, but INDIA versus BJP. This episode has injected new life into the INDIA bloc, potentially proving to be a significant threat to Modi’s aspirations. The undemocratic expulsion of Moitra could become a rallying point for the non-BJP opposition in the lead-up to the Lok Sabha elections. Modi’s seemingly impulsive decision to expel Mahua Moitra has set off a political storm with far-reaching consequences. The narrative has shifted from an individual feud to a broader clash between democracy and perceived authoritarianism. As the nation watches, the coming days will likely witness a deepening understanding among INDIA constituents on matters of democracy, parliamentary ethics, and the rights of elected representatives. The non-BJP opposition, armed with the ammunition of Moitra’s expulsion, may find an opportune moment to intensify its campaign against the ruling party.