BOKAJAN: The Karbi Anglong police seized contraband drugs worth Rs 15 crore on Tuesday morning. According to a police source, based on a tip off, the hill district’s Dillai police intercepted a Mahindra Bolero car bearing registration number SK 03P 1143 at Dillai Tiniali along the Assam-Nagaland border. On thorough search of the vehicle the police recovered a packet of 383 grams of heroin bearing the brand name of ‘Double UO Globe’. Bokajan SDPO John Das said, “Double UO Globe is considered one of the oldest and purest forms of heroin which is produced somewhere in Myanmar, Thailand and Laos.”
Apart from the heroin the police also recovered 1 kg of morphine and 2 kg of Crystal Methamphetamine hidden inside the gearbox compartment of the vehicle. The value of the seized drugs is estimated at Rs 15 crore in the market. Three persons identified as Rajesh Lakandri (37), Kumar Gajimer (38) and Tangambou Marianmai (48) were arrested. All three are residents of Manipur. They were supposed to deliver the consignment in Siliguri.